Monday, May 9, 2011

Mothers Day

A rough post from the Blessed ~8~ Chaos blog.  Check it out.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Party of 8

Well, in true Megan-form, it has been four months since I've posted anything.  However, the past few months have been nothing if not extraordinary, so before I go on posting about my deep, philosophical pondering, I will give a quick rundown to fill you in on some of the awesome happenings in my house.  

I will skip all pretense of a carefully crafted  narrative and get right to the point:  we have a crap-load of people living in our house.  About a month ago, our house sprouted from a modest census reporting of three, including Johnni, to a whoppin' eight!  Jorma and I, Johnni, our friends Kasey and Elven, and their three awesome kids... not to mention, we still have two rather large, excitable Labradors.  Nevertheless, our new household is not only bursting with people, but also with life, laughter, and lots of prayer.  Who would have thought that such a crazy idea could turn into one of God's biggest blessings in my life.  Never underestimate what the power of your name, mispronounced, shouted in joy upon your arrival home from the mouth of an adorable child; man, I love coming home!  All the little hugs, sticky fingers, messes, laughs, and tears are part of what makes our household a place where we don't just wait for life to take place:  life HAPPENS in our house.

The story of our combined families will be documented and shared through our new blog, Blessed ~8~ Chaos, where Kasey and I (the moms of the house) will share our journeys, trials, recipes, and whatnot.  For me, I will keep posting here as I normally do--sporadically and with no particular theme.  Please continue praying for me and for the journey my life is taking.  I am doing my best to continually recognize God's hand and blessings in my life.  He is ultimately the one in control and the one who knows the method to my madness.